in no particular order

tension is a big fave from when i was a kid. i was obsessed with this album. honestly i think it still holds up. this hamtaro thing i made totally holds up too.
FAVORITE SONGS: star 69 (wait for nothing), yesterday

a jr. high fave. on constant rotation. honestly has some of the catchiest shit you'll ever hear.
FAVORITE SONGS: swallow the knife, sidewalks

a whole chunk of sweet, sweet science fictiony metal from the mind of geezer butler. gzr's shit is cool as hell but this is the best one.
FAVORITE SONGS: area code 51, xodiak

one of my first forays into synthpop back in the day and man is it a good one. this album will stick in your head until the end of time. check out the deluxe edition for even more interesting stuff.
FAVORITE SONGS: the look of love (part one), date stamp

most of what i put on here has been teenage faves, but here's one that i only just recently found out about and it's had a hold on me for like a week as of writing this. if you like your metal with some absolutely kickass synth just going ham through the whole thing, you're gonna love this. i am rotating uncreation in my mind right now. OOOOOOH UNCREATION.
FAVORITE SONGS: uncreation, encounterparts

while i was still being a sadsack about metalocalypse being canceled (being a sadsack about one of your favorite shows getting canceled lasts a very long time) i totally slept on this shit. i never should have slept on this shit. it's considered the unofficial-official end of metalocalypse if you pay attention to the lyrics, although who knows if the upcoming movie's gonna go all galaktikon or do something else. either way you're gonna want to use your music player of choice to listen to the songs in the vinyl order, because that tells the story. and BOY is it something. there's so much! so many vocal styles! ahhh i want to eat this album. PUT DETHKLOK ON A SPACESHIP
FAVORITE SONGS: the agenda, could this be the end

okay normally i use this page for full albums and not singles but i have been listening to this fucking song over and over for weeks. i'm not intimately familiar with the black veil brides oeuvre but holy shit. sisters of mercy cover. ville valo is there. absolutely incredible. put this on repeat and leave it there, babey.
FAVORITE SONGS: take a fucking guess

they accidentally sent this to me a week early and the amount i had it on repeat was obscene. you bet i combed through everything looking for clues to the movie. then the movie happened and (chef's kiss). anyway! first dethklok in forever! who knew the day would come! and godDAMN what a comeback. you got your silly stuff, you got your serious stuff, and you have the absolutely gorgeous doomy goodness of deadface, highlight of the album from the beginning for me. gardener of vengeance is straight up lawnmower deth subject matter, mutilation on a saturday night seems perfect for a bunch of people running around bumping into each other and has some of the best lyrics ever written, and murmaider iii is a fitting end to the murmaider saga. CHECK. all that and more!!! so much more! the liner notes misspelled toki wartooth as toki warrooth, can you believe it? now he's gonna think they got some other guy to do it. anyway listen to it now! or else! i'll come getcha!
FAVORITE SONGS: mutilation on a saturday night, deadface

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